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可行辦法:WiMAX是屬於IEEE 802.16標準的一種點到多點,寬頻無線存取技術。與802.11標準定義的Wi-Fi 網路一樣,WiMAX也是一種無線上網技術,只是它的訊號範圍更廣、傳遞速度更快。且WiMAX的速度、範圍分別是74Mbps、48公里,且winiMAX技術整合性高,速度快、距離遠,因此較有機會使用wimax提供上網服務。 |
FAE Rule | Violations | Message | Class |
Warn | 1 | The words contained in each h1 element should match a subset of the words contained in the title element. Words (%1) in h1 elements should also be in the title element. | Title |
Fail | 1 | Each heading element (h1..h6) must have text content. | Headings |
Check | 1 | Heading content should be concise (usually 65 or fewer characters in length). | Headings |
Warn | 1 | Avoid using images that are smaller than 16 pixels by 16 pixels as links. | Links |
Fail | 1 | Every frame element must have a title attribute with content that describes the purpose of the frame. | Frames |
Warn | 1 | If the content of the alt attribute is not empty it should contain at least 7 characters and less than 90 characters. The text should provide people who cannot see the image orientation to the content and purpose of the image in the website. | Images |
Warn | 2 | Each map, ul or ol element that precedes the last h1 element and appears to be a navigation bar should be immediately preceded by a heading element, preferably an h2. | Menu and Navigation Bars |
Warn | 4 | Every onClick event handler should be on a focusable element. | Events |
Warn | 8 | The content of the headings of the same level within the same section should be unique. | Headings |
Fail | 19 | Each img element should have alt text. | Images |
Fail | 22 | Heading elements that follow the last h1 should be properly nested. | Headings |
Warn | 35 | Ensure that links that point to the same HREF use the same link text. | Links |
Warn | 53 | Ensure that links that point to different HREFs use different link text. | Links |
Warn | 105 | Avoid using text links that are shorter than four 4 characters in length. | Links |
FAE Rule | Violations | Message | Class |
Fail | 1 | The page should contain at least one and no more than two h1 elements. | Headings |
Fail | 1 | Each heading element (h1..h6) must have text content. | Headings |
Check | 1 | Heading content should be concise (usually 65 or fewer characters in length). | Headings |
Check | 1 | Most web pages should contain at least one navigation bar. | Menu and Navigation Bars |
Fail | 1 | The i element must not be used to italicize text content, instead use heading (h1-h6) elements for heading text or the em element for emphasizing words, phrases or sentences. | Text Styling |
Fail | 1 | The u element must not be used to underline text content, instead use heading (h1-h6) elements for heading text or the em or strong element for emphasizing words, phrases or sentences. | Text Styling |
Warn | 1 | The character encoding was not specified. | W3C Specifications |
Fail | 2 | Heading elements that follow the last h1 should be properly nested. | Headings |
Warn | 2 | The content of the headings of the same level within the same section should be unique. | Headings |
Warn | 7 | Avoid using text links that are shorter than four 4 characters in length. | Links |
Fail | 10 | Each page must have a lang attribute on its html element whose value or initial subtag is a valid two-character language code. | Language Changes |
FAE Rule | Violations | Message | Class |
Check | 1 | Most web pages should contain at least one navigation bar. | Menu and Navigation Bars |
Fail | 1 | The page should contain at least one and no more than two h1 elements. | Headings |
Fail | 16 | Every frame element must have a title attribute with content that describes the purpose of the frame. | Frames |
Fail | 35 | Heading elements that follow the last h1 should be properly nested. | Headings |
Warn | 1 | Avoid using images that are smaller than 16 pixels by 16 pixels as links. | Links |
Warn | 3 | Every img element that is less than 8 pixels high or 8 pixels wide OR has an empty alt attribute value should be removed and CSS techniques should be used for styling content. | Images |
Warn | 4 | Each subheading element (h2..h6) should have text content exclusive of the alt text of any img elements it contains. | Headings |
Warn | 13 | Hidden or empty frames should not be used. | Frames |
Warn | 22 | If a link includes an img element and text content, and the words in the alt attribute content of the img element match the words in the text content of the link, then the alt attribute content should be set to be empty. | Links |
Warn | 29 | If the content of the alt attribute is not empty it should contain at least 7 characters and less than 90 characters. The text should provide people who cannot see the image orientation to the content and purpose of the image in the website. | Images |
Warn | 71 | Avoid using text links that are shorter than four 4 characters in length. | Links |
Warn | 72 | Ensure that links that point to different HREFs use different link text. | Links |
Warn | 158 | Ensure that links that point to the same HREF use the same link text. | Links |